Only one more thing: a link to someone deeply involved in the House Select Committee on Intelligence investigation, who summarized what is far more likely to have happened in the JFK assassination, and backed up with much more relevant, cogent, well-sourced facts, as opposed to leaving us wondering, inter alia, why the hell Lee Harvey Oswald did not proudly proclaim his "world-historical service to the heroic Cuban Revolution," instead of acting stunned and asking several times for "legal representation," which was denied here is the link:


And a sample of the material:

Editor’s note: I wish to express my gratitude to Maria Fonzi for letting me borrow her November 1980 copy of Gaeton Fonzi’s Washingtonian article—as well as the February 1981 issue with Robert Blakey’s letter and Fonzi’s response—in order to scan the originals and craft this hypertext edition. As Marie shared with me in a July 2017 e-mail, “Today I found Blakey’s original letter threatening him with litigation, followed by finding Phillips’ law suit for 35 million. Gaet’s reaction was to expand the Washingtonian article into a book. I always told him that he was brave. But he was more than that; he was fearless!” Recently Marie explained how this “article was originally written for Philadelphia Magazine; Alan [Halpern] got fired; Alan made contacts and The Washingtonian bought the story. Gaet owned rights to the story and gave it to Bernie [McCormick] to publish in his magazines.” The book this article was expanded into was aptly titled, The Last Investigation. See Also: Original Manuscript of The Last Investigation.




The Washingtonian

November 1980, pp. 157-192.

There Were Two Conspiracies in the Kennedy Assassination: The First Was to Murder the President. The Second Was to Pretend There Was a Full and Complete Investigation.

This Is the Story of Government Investigator Gaeton Fonzi and His Three-Year Search for the Truth, His Efforts to Track Down a Mysterious American Spymaster Seen in Dallas with Lee Harvey Oswald in September 1963, His Work for the House Assassinations Committee That Was Supposed to Tell the American People What Really Happened on November 22, 1963.

Fed Up with the Politicizing of This Last Investigation, He Breaks His Oath of Silence to Tell What the Insiders Know About the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It Is a Suspenseful Spy Story, It Is a Clear-Eyed Account of How Washington Handles Serious Issues, and It Is History.


The Historical Imperatives

A very hot day in Dallas in the summer of 1978. I could see the city’s 106-degree fever shimmering from the gray macadam. I waited on the south curb of Elm Street for a break in the traffic and then walked out into the center lane. The street is not as wide as it appears in photographs. Right about ... here. I looked over at the grassy knoll. There was only a stillness there now, a breezeless serenity. On my right was the familiar red brick building, flat, hard-edged, its rows of sooty windows now dull. In my mind, I dropped into a well of time and fell against that instant of history.

A man was killed here.

Here, in an explosively horrible and bloody moment, a man’s life ended. That realization—a man was killed here—had been oddly removed from the whirlwind of activity in which I had been involved. A man was killed here, and what had been going on in Washington—all the officious meetings and the political posturing, all the time and attention devoted to administrative procedures and organizational processes and forms and reports, and now all the scurrying about in a thousand directions in the mad rush to produce a final report—all of that seemed detached from the reality of a single fact: A man was killed here.

I had been working as an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations for more than a year and a half. Now I was one of the few investigators remaining on the staff. The rest had been fired after less than six months of a formal investigation. And now I was standing in Dealey Plaza, on the spot where President John F. Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963, and wondering what the hell had gone wrong.

I stood in Dealey Plaza on that hot day in 1978 and could not help thinking that the powers that controlled the Assassinations Committee would have searched much harder for the truth if they had remembered that instant of time when a man’s life ended here. *****

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WALKER? The disgraced far right-wing Maj. General Edwin Walker wasn't shot at by Oswald, you have been misled, try visiting kennedysandking dot com for the conclusive refutations of this bogus tale, including an eyewitness who stated he saw two people leaving (separately) and driving away, Oswald couldn't even drive, and the bullets didn't match the Mannlicher-Carcano Oswald supposedly owned (another hoax, look into that, Klein's Sporting Goods sent a different model to the PO Box rented (but not by Oswald) under the name "AJ HIddell," so Oswald could NOT have even showed up and signed for it, besides all that, Oswald could at that time walk into any shop or store selling rifles or pistols and ammo in Texas, and buy one or more, no questions asked, no background check, no identification needed, the works. So why order a rifle from a Chicago-based sporting goods store?

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The bogus "trip to Mexico City" where Oswald supposedly tried to get to Cuba is also worth investigating, it never happened, was a CIA fabrication (meaning by "CIA," agents and hired hands compartmentalized and able to hide this plot from all who might turn them in - there were people at The Agency who loved Jack Kennedy, only not in the particular sector specializing in illegal assassination plots.

Also engaged in illegal terrorist raids on Cuba, illegal gun and explosives smuggling, illegal invasions (Playa de Giron, Bay of Pigs) of Cuba, illegal impersonation of federal officials (CIA posing as "official sent by RFK" to set up support for anti-Castro militia, etc.

Did any of this stuff come from the completely discredited Gus Russo? That's another faker worth reading about on the kennedysandking.com website!

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Maybe. These three posts of yours are also strong considerations I have had. Arguments I make to myself cannot be resolved until something new and strong is discovered. I cannot take a position yet and I do not think others can reliably do so either.

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