It is certainly not historically certain Oswald shot anyone, a d he had the cab drive five blocks past his rooming house, not two. I will be correcting your certifiable disinformation at my own blog, ASAP, JFKCountercoup.blogspot.com

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This has been quite the journey - thanks for all your work on it and for the possibilities that I am now contemplating!

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Historically Certain Oswald fired all three shots??? Sure Bruce. And that last head shot didn't come from the right front? Please.

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Hi James - I don't expect we will convince each other! My understanding, though, is that a shot from the right front would leave a small entrance wound on the front right side of the President's head and a much larger exit wound on the rear left side of his head. Can you direct me to any evidence of this? Thanks, b.

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I didn’t know that about Cord on his deathbed.

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